Frequently Asked Questions

I’m new to this. What do I need to do to get into an event as a visitor?

Showing up is the first step. (Don’t get cold feet). Fill out the registration form for Visitors which is available at the registration desk, present photo ID,  pay your fee, head to a change room (they’re co-ed), get undressed and head for the pool to enjoy your time with others.

I want to join GTA skinny-dipping club as a member?

Show up with photo ID (this will remain on file with us) and cash, fill out the Membership form and go swimming. The present membership fee is $25.00. More information is on our website, including the cost for your particular event as we don’t know if you will be coming as a single, couple, or youth. (Rates vary).

Do you except Debit or Credit Cards?

No - Cash Only

Am I considered a Youth and what do I/we pay? (25 and under)

Youth membership is free. As a single person between 19 & 25 you pay $5.00 for an event and as a couple you would pay $7.00. Price is based on the younger person in the couple.

I am under the age of 18, can I attend and how much would I pay?

If you are under the age of 16 you must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older. You pay the same fee as youth.

Are lockers available at the events?

Yes, all the pools have lockers and you are responsible for providing your own lock.

Do I need to RSVP for an event?

No, RSVP's are not normally required at our events. Depending on attendance, it is 1st come 1st served basis. Members always get in, visitors may not. This is extremely rare!

Are the Life Guards approachable to talk with?

If it's regarding a safety issue, yes, by all means. that's! If it’s because you want to chat it up with them about naturism or to find out more about them, then NO! For some, that could be construed as harassment.

Are swim goggles allowed?

Generally discouraged. We ask that you use your discretion if you feel you need to wear goggles. If we get complaints whereby folks are uncomfortable by you wearing them in their proximity you will be asked to remove them and/or told to leave.

How many people attend your events?

Anywhere from 60 to over 100 depending on the pool.

What if I get an erection?

This is a very common question as it’s a common concern, but rarely happens. 1st of all, erections are natural. Walking around pool deck flaunting it to everyone would be considered very bad taste and is not considered “natural” and you will be asked to leave. Most men do not get aroused however, if it happens we recommend staying in the pool or the hot tub until it subsides. If you need to get out we ask you wrap yourself in your towel.